Saturday, April 30, 2011

We got a rabbit though don't think he is breeding material.

He is a super friendly and has yet to be named and probably won't be bred to anything. But he likes J and hay and that is pretty good.

The unamed buck. 

I am not going to bore you all with pictures of the green houses. They aren't sprouting quite yet so no need for pictures of dirt.

We are going to buy some rabbit meat from the meat butcher and I will make it on Friday for dinner so that way my husband can make the final decision on meat rabbits.

I'd love to be in a place by the end of summer '13 that we are eating 90% all our own meat and veggies. I am going to start canning this summer with produce from the farmers market but would like to grow my own for us next spring. Also next January/February I'd like to raise about 30ish meat birds to raise and freeze along with the hopeful frozen rabbits we should be able to get through a few months with out purchasing meat from the store. How awesome would that be?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Home School Group and Ian

Today was our home school group and J had a blast with dodge ball. Not that she understands the rules at all. She spent most of her time screaming whilst attempting to hit others and grab balls. The one thing she understood   was if she got hit with a ball she was out.

I am sad we found this group so close to the end of the school year but next school year it should be amazing since there will be a bit more active teaching and learning going on then now.

Here is J and her daddy loving on Ian. He is such a sweet guy. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Home Schooling and Chickens.

Ok so we are doing a plant project where we check on them every day. We found these little green houses at the store and and gave them to J for easter. We planted them last night and I will take pictures daily.

From left to right we a marigold, sweet peppers, white eggplant, and tomatoes. 

If these work well we can easily reuse them again after the plants have been transplanted! I also have some pictures of the chickens. I will add the rest later when I get a good shot of them. 

Here we have Sir Ian

This is Yellow Head (barred rock)

This is the young Super Lelu

This here is good ol' Blackie. 


Super Lelu the first. 

All names are courtesy of J. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Welcome Home!

Life is finally seeming to fall into place where I would like it too. We have our temporary chicken coop up and running, with four 10 week old hens and one giant 6 month old rooster. We also have another three hens in the brooder. I can't wait till the coop is done; we have most of the supplies and equipment. I hope to get all cut and organized this weekend and spending the next weekend constructing it.

Here is an inventory of our ladies. (I'll post pictures tomorrow)
2 rhode island reds
2 easter eggers
1 buff orpington
1 barred rock
1 black sex link

Our Roster is an easter egger mix.

I will also have pictures almost daily of J's and my current science project of growing seeds. We got four mini green houses and have planted the seeds. We will be watering them and having them bask in the sun (if Oregon gets any) and just observing what happens!

Till tomorrow my dears! Good night!